10 tips for beginners of bodybuilding

10 tips for beginners of bodybuilding

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tips for beginners of bodybuilding

The beginner in weight training is often drowned in a huge mass of information, not knowing where to look. Evidence that is, various bodybuilding forums or the beginner does not know how progress, sailing non-stop program to program.

This article is intended to summarize the 10 main points on which a beginner needs to focus to start.

1 - Make with your genetics

Not everyone has the V shape, is not made to have 45 cm arms naturally. That's genetics, we're dealing with. You must agree to have muscles that grow slower than others, to have fine bones or large size.

But accept your genetics, this does not mean to renounce progress, even on your weak points! It is to be realistic and not dream in the inaccessible (look like Arnold for example).

2 - Learn how to be patient

Have you ever heard someone say that he did not push too hard for fear of making too quickly the muscle? Well, you know, unfortunately, that take the muscle is a long journey of several months, years, see decades! It progresses slowly, and like Dorian Yates, 6 time Mr. Olympia, in analogy with the construction of a House, we put down brick by brick. If you are regular and persistent, you necessarily will be rewarded one day or the other.

3 - Avoid injuries: warm up and stretch

There are times when one if trained, that we started, that feel as invincible, indestructible, as if nothing could, could stop us. Unfortunately, this period does not last long. All practitioners with many years of training behind them will tell you. The human body does not need to lift every day from melting. This is why you must take care of your body. As to progress, it must last. Warming up and stretching are two practices that you need to workout, necessarily.

Warm up before each session, even if you are in a hurry, even remove an exercise in your program. It is always better to get hurt. And stretch after each session, even doing sessions dedicated to stretching in order to remain flexible and do not stiffen. He came quickly to tear a muscle during a stretch a little violent during an exercise when it is not flexible enough.

4 - Keep it simple

I'll tell you a story. A few years ago, I knew a person who had a training program all that there was more banal. He progressed regularly without any particular problem. Little by little, he began to be interested in the why and how. Why such program work? Why do ca and not ca?

He has changed his program, always doing something more outlandish. Two years later, he had lost more than 10 kg, and 5 cm in arm ready!

This does not mean that you should not be interested in the understanding of the training, but keep it simple when it comes to develop your bodybuilding program. Don't leave by going for the last program such and such boasts. Keep it simple!

5 - Have a balanced program

You want to pecs, shoulders and arms, I guess? But only in is he back, thighs and other muscle groups? If you don't work the muscles of the 'front', certainly, you will take the muscle of 'face' but it won't last so long, until the injury. Balancing part forces and other joints, don't you developing not fairly, you force your chance, the chance to hurt you and so to lose your hard-earned muscle. Why don't you work all your muscles remember none!

6 - Let your ego in the closet

We are told constantly must be heavy, yet heavy, still heavier. But heavy, it means not too heavy. As a beginner, you must learn the various exercises with a flawless technique. You have to control your movements, and not the other way around, let you guide by the load. In addition, everyone doesn't matter if you put 30 or 50 kg! Be patient once again. The charges will rise gradually, with good technique.

7 - Do not neglect your diet

If there is one thing overlooked by most practitioners, it is their power supplies. If you want to progress 'quickly', you must have a suitable diet, that allow you to feed your muscles recover faster. It is not for nothing that many champions quote nutrition as being the predominant factor of their results (before exercise, rest, and doping). Without going so far, be aware that if you neglect this aspect of bodybuilding, you progress as fast as possible.

8 - Take supplements?

Just start beginners want to buy protein powder or other supplements touted by the last reigning champion. Even before having a "diet", a regime adapted to bodybuilding! As if the supplements had a magical effect, they were required to move forward. Before considering the purchase of any supplements, you must already have a diet, a suitable diet it's base.

Then, add supplements will be useful. But do not buy anything, without looking at the composition, without knowing what you actually bought. Read the labels, compare, and only after, according to your budget, buy but without you wait to explode your sleeves t-shirt from the first taken. It's like training, dietetics, all progress is made over the long term, the duration. So don't expect not to miracle of supplements in the short term.

9 - Set your objectives

What do you, what should do you to get it, how to get there as soon as possible? It is these issues that you must consider when you develop your sessions. If train randomly until progress out of the hat is the worst thing to do when you start. You must set reasonable goals, at every meeting, every week, every month, to continue to get your 'home '. Otherwise, you will remain always in the ground floor, without ever climbing to the top floor. Plan your training according to your goal, don't let the place randomly.

10 - Doping trap

It always shocks me. A beginner if leads to a few weeks, hear about products without knowing what it is about and decides to take without knowing what awaits him exactly. Anabolic steroids are at the base of the drugs. They are not made for sports use. These are in some ways one of their "side" effects If only it were the only one.

As a derivative of male testosterone hormone most of the time, you should expect to number of effects really secondary this time, such as the loss of hair, acne, gynecomastia... and more seriously the development of any sort of cancer! Do so fall not into the trap because there is nothing to gain by doping, nothing at all! Not even money, because in weight, other than a handshake and a Cup, you get "nothing." Progress for yourself and not for others at your level.

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