The five pain of the lower back in golf

The five pain of the lower back in golf

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pain of the lower back in golf

On the eve of the start of the Augusta National Masters, golfers can only be eager to start the golf season that knocks on their doors. But who says beginning of season says risk of injury. While more than 30% of golfers finish golfing with low back pain, I think it's important to understand the type of problem that can affect a golfer and how to fix it. 

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masters tournament 2019

Lower back injuries in golf

I will present here the most common low back injuries associated with golf. It is important to understand that this is not necessarily the cause of the pain but rather the source of the pain.

1 - Muscle sprain or ligament

Lumbar sprain is due to excessive stretching of muscle or ligament fibers. It can usually resolve itself in 4 to 6 weeks with rest. On the other hand, it will be very common to see residual damage appear over time: muscle stiffness, joint blockages or alterations of movement patterns (commonly known as "compensations").

The symptoms of a lumbar sprain can vary from one sprain to another because of the large number of structures that can be affected. Lower back pain may be minor or may cause severe pain that is very incapacitating. In general, however, the injured area will be painful to the touch and decreased at rest.

2- Injury to the intervertebral disc

The vertebral disc acts as a cushion between each column. High resistance to pressure forces, they are fragile enough to withstand rotational forces. (Basically, you can skip two feet without saving it, but you can easily tear it up if you book the same fate as the Oreo cookie.

We remind you that golf is a game of rotation: we have the ideal recipe for the risk of injury to the spine. Without going into detail, it is possible to have many injuries: disc fiber rupture, disc bulge or disc herniation, with or without nerve damage.

Radiating pain in the buttocks or in the leg due to nerve damage (the famous sciatica!) Is often observed. Lower back pain will be exacerbated by the forward leaning position, prolonged sitting or lifting of heavy objects.

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Injury to the intervertebral disc

3- Bad motor control

Our brain controls the way in which we're moving on a voluntary basis. However, it is also able to do similarly in unconscious way! For different reasons, our nervous system can alter the muscles that contract or the sequence in which they will shrink.

Initially, these patterns of muscle activation can act as a defense mechanism, but can quickly become a problem. A bad lower back Biomechanics can lead to chronic pain in the long term. Most experts think that this would be the cause of more than 80% of chronic low back pain.

4- Osteoarthritis

The overuse of joints can lead to the formation of osteoarthritis. At a more advanced stage, the formation of osteophytes (which can be likened to bony "spikes") can limit the joint in its movements, irritate the nerves out of the column and create a slight inflammation locally, which will cause obviously a lower back pain.

People with osteoarthritis often develop chronic pain, generally of low intensity. They will also be a limitation of their movements in the affected region. Important to know however: it is possible to have arthritis lower back and not feel any pain, just to have an appropriate care!

* Note * We often confuse between arthritis and osteoporosis. Arthritis is a highly inflammatory inflammatory disease. Osteoporosis is a degenerative phenomenon due to wear and is more common.

lower back pain, back pain, sciatica, sciatica pain, severe lower back pain, back pain remedies, chronic back pain, chronic lower back pain, lower back pain remedies, degenerative disc disease, lumbar pain, bad back pain, lumbar spine pain, lumbar back pain

5- Fracture

Lumbar stress fractures and pedicle fractures (spondylolysis) are frequently encountered in athletes engaged in rotational sports. The phenomenon will occur when the spine will rapidly expand and rotate, causing a collision between the vertebrae at the end of their range of motion that can lead to fracture. This type of injury will create low back pain and lumbar instability.

What to do to avoid pain lower back in golf?

Obviously, it is difficult to answer this question simply. Dozens of causes of lower back pain are possible and the combination of these makes things even more complex. Here are my top 5 things to watch for lower back pain.

- Avoid digging the lower back to the address of your ball. Your back should create a straight line from the pelvis to the back of the head.

- Make sure you have good mobility of the shoulders into external rotation.

- Avoid every time to have a pivot inverted at the top of your backswing.

- Muscle your glutes! If your buttocks work, the lower back is going to be more stabilized. 

- Practice the mobility of your hips.

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  1. There was a time in my youth when I felt immortal.

    I was strong. Healthy. Full of life.

    Maybe like you, I felt like I could conquer the world.

    Every day I'd wake up, bursting with energy. Feeling unstoppable.

    I'd go out and exercise full out. Or put in a long day at work. Or go on a weekend adventure with friends to the mountains.

    And at the end of the day? I'd still feel REALLY good.

    Tired, but in a good, relaxing, "hit the sack" kinda way.

    Until one day, it happened.

    I was getting out of the car and for some reason, I twisted my back.

    It immediately seized up. Hunched over with hand on my hip, my muscles spasmed as if to protect it.

    The pain was sharp. Deep. Crippling.

    That was a day I'll never forget. That was the day I realized... I was human.

    Getting out of the car was something I'd done a thousand times before. Why did it happen THAT day, I wondered?

    I've replayed it a thousand times in my head, but I'll never know.

    What I do know is that day set off a chain reaction of events.

    Over the years, more unexpected bouts of pain. Days and even weeks off work.

    Make-you-feel-like-a-zombie pain pills.

    Physical therapy. Alternative therapy. Chiropractic.

    Days of "bed rest" watching Jerry Springer.

    Oh, I hated that term "bed rest." It's so not me.

    Ever since that fateful day, every so often out of the blue, I'll tweak my back again and relive that fateful day as well as the weeks afterward, nursing it back to health.

    Until recently.

    While I was experiencing my most recent painful bout, one of my business partners took pity and shared with me a wonderful natural method that not only relieves back pain in less than 20 minutes, but there's a strong likelihood you'll never have to deal with it again.

    Imagine that!

    I tried it and amazingly, it worked! Within just a few minutes, my back magically "unlocked." The relief was like a warm south Pacific wave, relaxing every muscle in my body.

    After wasting thousands of dollars on useless remedies, days and weeks off work, I was FINALLY FREE from pain.

    I'll be honest. As I've grown older, my experience with back pain has humbled me. When I look at it the right way, maybe it WAS a good thing, because I no longer take my health and body for granted.

    But the great thing is I'm back doing the things I love. Without giving second thought to whether my back will "go out." With this unique method, it's been months since I've experienced even the smallest inkling of pain...

    ==>Back Pain Relief 4 Life

    All I can say I wish I'd know about this method sooner. But I thank my lucky stars I found it when I did.

    To your health,
